IMD Executive Learning Center To Open in Singapore in May 2015








IMD (International Institute for Management Development) plans to open a new IMD Southeast Asia Executive Learning Center in Singapore in May 2015. The Center will include teaching space, rooms for breakout discussion, dining areas, a boardroom, and IMD’s main offices in Southeast Asia.

Located in the new South Beach Tower on Beach Road, in the heart of downtown Singapore, IMD Southeast Asia Executive Learning Center will provide executive education programs as well as a location for IMD to engage with local clients. According to Dominique Turpin, IMD’s President, “While IMD will always promise Swiss excellence, with the new IMD Southeast Asia Executive Learning Center, we look to seek deeper bonds and connections to Asian-based business leaders.”

IMD is a top-ranked management institute located in Lausanne, Switzerland. Founded in 1990, IMD was ranked first in the world in open programs by the Financial Times in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Additionally, IMD has been No. 1 in the Financial Times ranking of executive education worldwide for seven years (2008 – 2014), and IMD’s MBA program has been ranked first internationally by Forbes.

For more information, visit IMD on the Web.

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