New Trends in Executive Education

As markets shift their focus constantly, providers of Executive Education content producers and administrators must keep up with these trends and respond with appropriate courses. Executives often need education a progressive educational thrust multiple times during their careers to keep up with the markets. Below, we’ve highlighted some exciting courses that address these new trends.
One trend that continues to grow is that of globalization. Countries that make up the acronym BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are especially prevalent in Executive Education at this time. Harvard Business School offers Maximizing Your Leadership Potential – India, which prepares participants for greater global success, in Mumbai, India. CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) presents Strategy Week, which includes three programs: New Perspectives on Strategy in an Ever-Changing World, Platform Strategy, and Financial Decisions Aligning with Corporate Strategy, on its Shanghai or Beijing campus. CEIBS is also holding Africa From the Inside in Capetown, South Africa, and in Accra, Ghana in October 2014. Participants will learn and network in the classroom as well as on-site at leading organizations.
Branding Leadership is another trend that has emerged in the last few years. Companies must solidify and communicate their brand both internally and externally. One course that highlights best practices in Brand Leadership is Wharton’s Brand Leadership: Strategies for Driving Growth in a Global Marketplace, which explores global brand positioning and management, customer-centricity, and valuation metrics, both internally and externally. Another course on Branding Leadership is the University of Chicago’s Driving Profits and Growth through Strategic Brand Management. This course specifically delves into the potential effects of branding on customers and how companies can act on these effects.
Corporate Diplomacy explores the relationships a company has with external stakeholders, and how to leverage those relationships to achieve their objectives. Wharton conducts a course called Corporate Diplomacy: Building Reputations and Relationships with External Stakeholders, which helps companies understand how stakeholders impact value and how to respond to and engage these external stakeholders. It highlights best practices in assessing these relationships and how they impact long-term success.
Finally, Environmental Sustainability Leadership has emerged as a global trend that is likely here to stay. To understand sustainability, companies must consider their impact on global society. Investing in Sustainable, Competitive Cities at Harvard explores public infrastructure and emerging markets.
Albert & Company International, Inc. is a one-stop resource center for all Executive Education programs. Our vision is to help individuals gain the knowledge they need to excel, thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity, leading to better organizational growth. For more information on these and many other courses in our extensive Executive Education database, visit us on the web at, or email us at