Wharton Offers CEO Academy® Program
The Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania will hold the 17th annual CEO Academy® program November 16 – 17, 2016 in New York City. Designed for experienced and new chief executive officers, the 1 ½ day event features more than 15 current and former chief executives from major corporations – including AIG, Danaher, Ford, Frontier Communications, Tyco, and United Technologies – as well as Wharton’s senior faculty members and leaders from institutional investment and governance firms.
Topics include:
Day One
* Why CEO continuous improvement is critical
* Case studies of successful CEOs
* Why capital allocation is strategy
* Ethics and integrity: setting the tone at the top
* The discipline of getting things done
Day Two
* Continue to innovate or die
* Placing your bets around the world
* How best to assess your team
* The changing landscape of shareholder engagement
* What you need to know about ALL media
* Boards: when to take charge, when to partner and when to stay out of the way
* Transform your company before others do
* The art of delegation
Participants must be sitting CEOs, Chairs, or have been publicly announced as CEO or Chair designate. They can bring a board member to attend for no extra charge.
For more information on this program or to register, visit the Wharton Web site.
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