Wharton Executive Education – New Program in India

India is growing rapidly in global business, and it is imperative that business leaders are ready for this extreme expansion. Wharton Executive Education is now offering a new course for Indian executives, Executing Growth Strategies, which will enable business leaders to keep up with and leverage this growth.
This program will examine avenues and modes of growth, and help participants identify the best route for their organization. The course explores both Western and Asian frameworks and helps executives learn to:
– Grow an existing business through consolidation
– Pursue growth through international expansion
– Resolve business conflicts and effectively manage the evolution of an alliance
– Choose when to ally and when to acquire
This program is designed for executives with a minimum of ten years’ work experience and a proven record of advancement, as well as those who will be moving into strategic planning or general management. The course takes place in Delhi, India from August 25th to 28th. For more course-specific information, visit http://executiveeducation.wharton.upenn.edu/for-individuals/all-programs/executing-growth-strategies-india.
With the addition of this program, Wharton’s India offerings now include five programs in Finance, Leadership, Marketing and Sales, and Strategy and Management. Participants who complete three Wharton Executive Education programs in India (or two in India and one at Wharton’s Philadelphia campus) are eligible for the Accelerated Development Program (ADP) certificate.
For more information on the Accelerated Development Program, visit: http://executiveeducation.wharton.upenn.edu/for-individuals/all-programs/globally-offered-programs/accelerated-development-program
To learn more about Executive Education at Wharton, visit their Web site at http://executiveeducation.wharton.upenn.edu/.
Albert & Company International, Inc. is a one-stop shop for Executive Development and talent management. Our vision is to help individuals gain the knowledge they need to excel, thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity, leading to better organizational growth. For more information on these and many other courses in our extensive Executive Education database, the most comprehensive and complete of its kind, visit us on the Web at http://albertconsulting.com, or email us at info@albertconsulting.com.