University of Miami School of Business Administration Hosts Future|Now Event


The University of Miami School of Business Administration (SBA) recently, on November 17, 2017, held Future|Now – a special program comprised of a series of three panels on transformation in the field of business, with practitioners, researchers, and business experts – as part of the 41st annual conference on the Caribbean and Central America.

The special program, part of the three-day Caribbean-Central American Action (CCAA) business conference that gathered ambassadors, government officials, entrepreneurs, and SBA faculty from the region, focused on transformation of production, people, and healthcare in the Caribbean and Central American region and stressed that technology is the driver of the world today.

Robert Plant, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Business Technology at SBA, noted, “If you’re not a technology company, you’re either going to be subsumed by the technology companies or you’re going to have to transform and become a technology company in its own right. This is just the truth.”

The benefit for Caribbean and Central American countries facing this tech revolution is the ability to leapfrog traditional institutions or business processes. Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi, Lecturer in the Department of Management at SBA, said, “Each country should identify their own vantage point, to find their own path.”

Joseph Ganitsky, Director of the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at SBA and the organizer of the Future|Now conference program, pointed out, “Miami is part of the Caribbean; it is part of the region. We are in this together and us, here at the University of Miami, are a solid partner for the region through our core business – education.”

For additional information on the University of Miami School of Business Administration, visit their Web site.

For more information on CIBER, visit them online.

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