Top Executive Education Faculty at Leading US Business Schools

As 2020 begins, we would like to highlight some of the top executive education faculty members at leading business schools in the United States.
Stanford top faculty members include Jeffrey Pfeffer, whose expertise is organization theory and human resource management, as well as the effects of work environments on human health and well-being, and the knowing-doing gap; Robert Burgelman, who explores the role of strategy in firm evolution; and Hayagreeva Rao, who studies collective action within organizations and in the market, and is Director or Co-Director of several executive education programs.
Top professors at Harvard Business School include Srikant Datar, Faculty Chair of the Harvard Innovation Lab, Senior Associate Dean for University Affairs, and Professor of Business Administration, who teaches classes in design thinking, innovation, big data, and strategy implementation; Clayton Christensen, who is with Technology and Operations Management, and General Management, and whose work on disruptive innovation has changed the way entrepreneurs and startups view the market; Michael Porter, economist, researcher, author, advisor, speaker, teacher, and founder of Harvard’s Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness; and Andy Wu, one of Poets and Quants’ world’s top 40 business professors under 40, who teaches strategy and technology courses. (Poets & Quants publishes stories on “the things that matter most to the graduate business education market.”)

At MIT, top faculty members include Ed Roberts, Founder, Chair, and Faculty Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, and Professor of Management Technology, an expert in advanced technology management and entrepreneurship; and Charles Fine, who explores principles for entrepreneurial companies to build operations strategies and capabilities consistent with business objectives, and is Founding President and Dean of the Asia School of Business in Malaysia (a collaboration between the MIT Sloan School of Management and Bank Negara Malaysia).
Notable Wharton faculty members include Adam Grant, one of Poets and Quants’ world’s top 40 business professors under 40, who has expertise in leadership, organizational change, employee motivation and engagement, negotiations, and other topics; Barbara Kahn, an internationally recognized scholar on brand loyalty, retail assortment issues, and patient decision-making; and David Reibstein an expert in marketing ROI, Internet marketing, competitive marketing strategy, market segmentation, marketing models, and understanding brand choice behavior. Dave is Co-founder of and has taught at Harvard Business School and Stanford University.
At Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, top professors include Julie Hennessy, Clinical Professor of Marketing and Associate Chair of the Marketing Department and winner of Kellogg’s 2017 L.G. Lavengood Outstanding Professor of the Year Award and 2018 – 2019 winner of the Chairs’ Core Course Teaching Award; and Dashun Wang, one of Poets and Quants’ world’s top 40 business professors under 40, who is Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at Kellogg, and a professor at Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering.
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