Three Realities Changing Executive Education
According to Chief Learning Officer magazine, there are three realities that are changing executive education today: technology, speed of business, and competition. Devin Bigoness, Executive Director for Executive Education at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, notes, “You have to understand and be able to grapple with what your clients are facing, whatever the broad range of business trends and skills are. We need to be able to quickly adapt to what our client needs to move their needle and grow their business.”
Here are three items affecting executive education programs today:
Technology: Executives learn across a wider selection of technology platforms than ever before, and online learning and blended learning are more accepted than they were in years past. In working with clients, Bigoness say they always consider the right medium and methodology to maximize time together while using time wisely.
Speed of Business: The speed of innovation and change is increasing, resulting in learning leaders feeling pressure from senior leadership to achieve results more quickly. Executives have less time to spend learning in one long sitting. Bigoness points out, “It used to be that you could say to a client ‘Come to Ithaca for a month or six weeks over the summertime’ and engage that way.” Today, he says, “If that was your marketing pitch, you’d be very challenged unless you were doing something very distinctive.”
Competition: Executive education programs at business schools are now operating in a landscape that includes leadership consulting firms, professional service firms, and proprietary learning organizations developed by companies. This leads to an environment in which learning offerings must be up-to-the-minute, relevant, and effective.
For more information on organizational learning, visit the CLO Web site.
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