The Economist Launches “The Economist Executive Education”

The Economist announced this week the launch of “The Economist Executive Education,” an online executive education program to assist business executives in their careers.
Designed for senior leaders and executives in wide-ranging industries, the online courses will cover topics relevant to all sectors, including business, finance, technology, nonprofit and government, professional services, and public policy. The first six-week course, The New Global Order: How Politics, Business and Technology are Changing, begins in May and will offer an advanced view of today’s world order.
Created in collaboration with GetSmarter, a brand of global education technology leader 2U, Inc., this first course covers the following topics:
* From Cold War to US-China rivalry
* The decline of US dominance
* The Chinese century
* The role of technology
* Disruptors, inbetweeners, and game changers
* Goodbye globalization?
Bob Cohn, president, The Economist, says, “The Economist’s executive education program will bring the rigor and intelligence we apply to our journalism to the growing world of online education. The courses, conceived and written by our reporters and editors, will deliver practical insights and stimulating analysis on the most-pressing topics and themes.” A course on writing is scheduled for fall of 2021.
For more information on The New Global Order: How Politics, Business and Technology are Changing, visit The Economist online.
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