Stanford Offers Young Global Leaders Program
The Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) and the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences are offering the Young Global Leaders Stanford Module: Transformative Leadership for Sustainability and Resilience, to be held at the Knight Management Center on Stanford’s campus July 24 – 29, 2016.
This program focuses on preparing transformative leaders with the ability to design practices, partnerships, and organizations essential to building a prosperous future. Designed exclusively for the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, the YGL Stanford Module will develop participants’ capacity to:
* Understand the diverse assets that must be managed and balanced to pursue sustainability and solve complex, global problems
* Navigate disruption and lead behavior change in individuals, teams, and organizations
* Identify key leverage points and design and implement interventions that transform systems at scale, resulting in global sustainability and resilience
Topics include:
* Intergenerational wellbeing
* Systems thinking
* Harnessing collective intelligence
* Future industry
* Power and influence
* Design thinking
* System level change through industry collaboration
Faculty members for this course include Larissa Tiedens (Organizational Behavior), Pamela Matson (Environment and Sustainability), and Julia Novy-Hildesley (Cross-sector Partnerships and Innovations for Sustainability).
The program is tuition-free, but the cost for accommodations at the Schwab Residential Center is $1,500.
For more information on this program, visit the Stanford GSB Web site.
For additional information on other Stanford executive education program, visit the Stanford GSB Executive Education page.
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