Oxford Saïd Business School Upcoming Leadership in Extraordinary Times Virtual Events

Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford is hosting the Leadership in Extraordinary Times online series focusing on what is happening in the world today, featuring faculty and special guests who share their expertise.
The Leadership in Extraordinary Times showcase series is holding two events on Tuesday, November 17, 2020:
* Cheap Talk? Living Up to the Business Roundtable Statement – 12:00 PM GMT (7:00 AM EDT)
Business Roundtable members signed a proclamation a year ago, espousing that corporations should act in the best interest of stakeholders. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused economic and social disruptions. This event will focus on how businesses have responded to these global challenges.
Panel members include:
* Allison Binns, Executive Director, Sustainability Research, Morgan Stanley
* Hiro Mizuno, Executive in Residence
* Bob Eccles, Visiting Professor of Management Practice
* Youth Setting the Agenda: Food and Agriculture – 5:00 PM GMT (12:00 PM EDT)
Young people in the UK exhibit their commitment to a sustainable future by changing the way they eat, and there is a growing movement toward regenerative farming. These movements can dramatically impact the fight against climate change, but is the food industry supporting them?
The second Race to Zero event will focus on agriculture, from soil to store to plate. Speakers will discuss how to build a sustainable food system that gives young people vocational opportunities and ensures that we are not left with a barren planet.
For more information or to join these free events live, visit the University of Oxford Web site.
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