A New Path – Setting New Professional Directions at Harvard Business School
Harvard Business School recently announced a new course designed especially for female professionals. A New Path: Setting New Professional Directions sets out to assist women at various levels in their careers in diverse industries to assess and reshape their goals, both personal and professional, by examining their interests, skills, talents, and motivations.
This program will take place at Harvard’s Boston, MA campus from April 27 – May 2, 2014. During this session, participants will study:
- Career Planning
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Leadership
- Life Visioning
- Marketing
- Negotiations
- Strategy
Throughout the week, course participants will also meet with a Board of Advisors, which will help them create personalized action plans for career and for life. Attendees will develop a personal brand that speaks to their goals, and where they are going with those goals. Professional networks will be expanded.
Faculty co-chairs Timothy Butler and Janet Kraus are joined by Amy J.C. Cuddy, John Deighton, Melissa Fristrom, Michael Norton, and Luis Viceira.
To learn more about this and other Executive Education courses at Harvard Business School, visit them on the Web at: http://www.exed.hbs.edu/programs/path/Pages/default.aspx.
Albert & Company International, Inc. is a one-stop resource center for all Executive Education programs. Our vision is to help individuals gain the knowledge they need to excel, thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity, leading to better organizational growth. For more information on these and many other courses in our extensive Executive Education database, visit us on the Web at http://albertconsulting.com, or email us at info@albertconsulting.com.