Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have only existed for about a decade, are changing the world of education, providing free online courses for executive education, employee development, and higher education. These courses are often taught by well-qualified instructors from world-renowned institutions.
Key providers of MOOCs include:
* Coursera
* EdX
* Udacity
* Udemy
* Academic
* Apple
* Codecademy
* Crypt4You
* FutureLearn
* Iversity
* Khan Academy
* NovoEd
* Peer 2 Peer University
* PIER – International Education Services
* StraighterLine
* Verduca Edtech
Stanford and MIT were among the first colleges and universities to offer MOOCs. In fact, Stanford professors founded both Udacity and Coursera, and MIT’s MITx was renamed EdX when a partnership with Harvard was formed. The nonprofit EdX consortium has over 50 university partners for developing and offering online MOOCs, along with over 2,000 courses and more than 70 million enrollments in its courses.
For more information on available MOOCs, visit a provider Web site.
Reports and Markets, part of Algoro Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd., offers a thorough report on the market size, status, and forecast of MOOCs through 2025, segmented by companies, regions, type, and applications, as well as specific growth opportunities. Visit their Web site to learn more.
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