Institute at Brown for Environment & Society
The Institute at Brown for Environment & Society (IBES) seeks to promote and protect sustainable human societies and the natural world that supports them. The Institute focuses on vulnerable people and places worldwide, utilizing knowledge and skills to impact the lives of everyday people and ecosystems.
Undergraduate students can choose concentrations in Environmental Studies and Environmental Science, which offer practical experience necessary to embark on professional careers. IBES supports graduate students through partnerships with 15 University departments, allowing them to pursue a disciplinary education while simultaneously conducting multi-disciplinary research. Students work under the direction of an IBES fellow within their home department, and have opportunities for fellowship, research, and travel funding.
In addition to classes and other activities, IBES sponsors two programs that allow students and faculty to work together to take action on important issues in the realm of environment and society: The Climate Development Lab (CDL) and the Program in Environmental and Civic Engagement (PECE). CDL is a think tank that produces research to inform a more just and effective climate change policy, while PECE works to translate knowledge into action, to benefit Rhode Islanders, and to test scalable responses to global change.
Areas of research at IBES include:
* Climate Science – Investigates connections between climate and society, in an attempt to understand the dynamics of change in natural and human systems
* Conservation Science – Aims to predict future conservation concerns and explore current conservation challenges via the natural and social sciences
* Land Change Science – Studies how the earth’s surface is changing in response to natural and human-driven forces, and the connection between those forces
* Environmental Health – Seeks to understand how exposure to physical and chemical environments affects human health
* Institutions and Human Behavior – Examines how individuals perceive and respond to environmental conditions, and how their responses are linked across space and time
For additional information on the Institute at Brown for Environment & Society, visit them online.
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