Harvard University Redesigns Web site

Harvard University launched its new homepage last week after an 18-month redesign.
The Harvard.edu update takes effect five years after the previous redesign. This redesign is the result of extensive user research and traffic-flow analytics examining which design elements were most used and which needed to be reconsidered. The new design should make it easier for students, families, visitors, and affiliates to navigate and find the information they seek.
According to Melissa Lesica, Director of Content Strategy at Harvard Public Affairs and Communications (HPAC), which oversaw the redesign and runs the site, “Our site visitors wanted Harvard’s people to tell our story. Instead of talking about Harvard as ‘Harvard,’ we’re talking about Harvard as ‘us.’” The In Focus feature of the site offers an in-depth look at a single important issue. At launch, the theme was climate change, and the site included related articles on new findings, researcher and student profiles, courses suggestions, and upcoming events. Each In Focus topic will remain on the homepage for one or two weeks before being replaced.
A new feature on the site is an expanded menu of academic programs so that visitors can more easily locate specific departments, executive education, or nondegree programs. Each School contributed the information about its programs. Other main menu categories are Campus, Visit, About, and News.
To see the newly designed Web site, visit the Harvard University Web site.
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