Harvard Business School: Bridging Health Care’s Innovation-Education Gap
A recent McKinsey analysis revealed that the productivity of the U.S. health-care industry dropped by 0.8% annually from 1990 -2007. To change this, the United States needs to transform the way it educates future health-care leaders. According to the Harvard Business Review, health-care curricula at 26 top U.S. institutions that offer graduate degrees in health care administration found the most-frequently used words were policy and organization. In contrast, in interviews with 58 CEOs in the health-care sector, the most-used words regarding future needs were change and innovation.
Harvard Business School is addressing this disparity by offering Business Innovation in Global Health Care, a leadership development program for senior leaders of health care organizations that links corporate strategy and corporate social responsibility, enabling participants to implement new health care models to improve health status, access, and financial outcomes.
For more information on this program visit them on the Web.
In addition, Harvard edX recently launched Innovating in Health Care, which focused on creating successful global business innovations in health care to better meet consumer and societal needs.
Other steps toward solving this problem include establishing the Global Educators Network for Health Care Innovation Education (GENIE) Group, a partnership among academic institutions, professional organizations, and health care consultancies, that aims to make innovation essential to the education of future health-care leaders. The organization has thus far held two annual conferences with global academic and stakeholder attendees.
For more information on the GENIE Group, visit their Web site.
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