Emeritus Helps Students in India Get an Ivy League Education

(From left to right) Ashwin Damera, Bob Halperin, Gabriel Lee, and Ashley Chiampo, founding members of Emeritus Institute of Management









While India has more than 30 million students in higher education, and over 16% of them take distance-education courses, many of them do not have access to teachers or training for project work. They simply appear for exams at the end of the semester and complete the course by studying at the last minute. However, this method leaves students with no knowledge of the course’s application. In an effort to solve the accountability problem, Ashwin Damera started Emeritus Institute of Management in January 2016.

At Emeritus, which is bringing global higher education to the Asian region, students are measured on their coursework through the intervention of online teaching. Damera completed his MBA at Harvard Business School in 2005 and started TravelGuru, an online hotel aggregator, in 2006. When Travelocity acquired the business in 2010, Damera began Eruditus, and online education company that delivers global executive education programs by partnering with Indian colleges.

He soon realized that he could use the same online medium to bring Ivy League education programs into the Asian region. “The biggest problem we are trying to solve is access to quality education. Let’s look at the numbers: 200,000 people take CAT every year in India to get into the IIMs. But the top IIMs have less than 10,000 seats.” The platform is good because it provides access to high-quality education for a larger number of students.

MIT Sloan, Columbia Business School, and Tuck Executive Education are the founding schools of the Emeritus technology platform, and they set the pedagogy and curriculum for the courses. Emeritus.org utilizes the small private online course (SPOC) model, and sees 80% completion rates. The courses include live faculty teaching; grading and assessments; work on real-world projects; and extensive use of simulations, gamification, and mobile learning.

Over the last six months, more than 4,000 students from over 35 countries have signed up for courses, and 40% of the students are from India. According to Damera, “In India, the size of the higher education is estimated at more than $100 billion. We are focused on the confluence of quality education and scale.”

For more information on Emeritus and its courses, visit their Web site.

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