Cornell Executive Education Presents Leading Talent Strategy in Turbulent Times Workshop

Cornell Executive Education is presenting a February 7th half-day morning workshop for corporate talent and organizational development leaders. Cornell University faculty and school leadership from across school programs and platforms will lead a series of breakout sessions focused on challenges organizations face in developing top talent to meet current and future demands.

This event will be held at the New York City College of Business location, 45 W. 57th Street, and will include breakfast and lunch.

Topics include:

* How are You Preparing Leaders to Thrive in a Fast-Changing Interdisciplinary World – Professor Allan Filipowicz, Cornell University S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management

* How to Develop Leaders for the Digital Age – Doug Stayman, Mukti Khaire, and Leland Rechis, Cornell Tech

* What are the Capabilities and Behaviors Needed in a New HR World – Janet Rizzuto, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations

* How to Solve Development Problems in Technical Talent and Leadership – Professor Erica Dawson, Cornell College of Engineering

* How to Scale Future Leader Talent Development Investments beyond Succession and High-Potential Cohorts – Paul Krause, CEO, and Jim Morris, SVP, eCornell

* 7 Innovation Levers to Driving HR Innovation – Professor Allan Filipowicz, Cornell University S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management

For more information on this workshop, visit the Cornell Executive Education Web site.

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