African Business Schools Add Anti-corruption Education to Programs
Corruption, in various forms, is widespread worldwide. Although there is no way to quantitatively measure the cost of the rampant corruption, one estimate suggests that corruption equates to more than 5% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In fact, according to World Bank research, approximately $1 trillion is paid in bribes worldwide yearly.
In an effort to reduce these numbers, three business schools in Africa are introducing into their classrooms an anti-corruption program sanctioned by the United Nations. Funded by Siemens Integrity and developed by nearly 40 management scholars from around the world, the Principles for Responsible Management Education Anti-Corruption Toolkit was launched in 2012 and then tested and refined at business schools in Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, India, and South America. Shiv Tripathi and Ganka Daniel Nyamsogoro, of Mzumbe University in Tanzania, piloted and researched the experiences of the African schools for their new book outlining the professionalization of anti-corruption education at business schools.
Three African business Schools piloted the program, in different courses: Nigeria’s Lagos Business School applied it in the MBA program curriculum; Stellenbosch University in South Africa tested it through an ethics course for managers; and Mzumbe University in Tanzania used it in regular postgraduate-level courses and executive education programs. Offering case studies and research about corruption, the toolkit can be used to start discussions about ways to minimize corruption. Students who experienced the pilot program provided positive feedback.
For more information on the Principles for Responsible Management Education Anti-Corruption Toolkit, visit their Web site.
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